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Quote from Don in Dick'll Take Manhattan Part 1

Sally: Don! You're here. I can't believe it.
Don: Yeah, finally. Crosstown traffic was a bitch. [on phone] Jeffrey. Yeah? It's me. Close 5th Avenue and the bridge. Oh, and tell Puff Daddy I'm gonna be late for lunch. [hangs up]
Sally: Don, you're so different.
Don: How do you mean?
Sally: Oh, nothing. I'm just - pff - a little overwhelmed. I mean, I thought you were hot in a uniform, but this is way better.
Don: When I was in uniform? I've never worn a uniform in my life.
Sally: Oh, no, I know that. I just meant like, you know, your tie and suit. Although you wear the- You don't wear the same thing every day, so it's not a unif-
Don: Sally, are you going nuts on me? Listen. I want a girlfriend. I don't want a nut. I want a nut, I go to the nut store.

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