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Quote from Dick in The Great Dickdater

Dick: Lately, I've been spending a lot of time fooling around with models.
Don: [tapping cup] Dick.
Dick: Don thinks I shouldn't talk about it. He thinks models are dumb. But, actually, most of them are very exciting and fun.
Celia: Why is it the fantasy of every loser to date models?
Dick: Date? What are you talking about?
Celia: Well, what are you talking about?
Dick: Model trains.
Celia: Oh, my God. I'm so- I- I- I- I thought you meant models. You know, women.
Dick: Oh, models. Tall, leggy models. [laughter]
Don: Dick with beautiful models. That's a funny one.
Dick: Yeah. If I was hanging around with models, why would I be here tonight? [Dick laughs]

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