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Quote from Adult Dean in Pilot

Adult Dean: That's our old school. Shut down because of desegregation. But we still hung out there sometimes, mainly to girls about girls and then girls and... Wow, I really got distracted. You know the girl that you see for the first time and everything slows down? That was Lisa Jones. Everybody had a crush on her, but here comes my crush... Keisa Clemmons. She was perfect.
Keisa: Hi, Dean. Thanks for letting me borrow this. You were right. It was great.
Adult Dean: To this day, I can't smell Vaseline and Tide without being taken right back to that feeling.
Cory: Tell her you want to start going together, man. Don't be scared.
Dean: I'm not scared.
Adult Dean: I was so scared.
Dean: My plan is to stay best friends until she realizes she likes me.
Adult Dean: And I was an idiot.

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