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Quote from Michael in Existential Crisis

Michael: There they are! Que pasa, muchachos?
Eleanor: Hey there, bud. You okay?
Michael: Okay? I'm a new man. Oh, Eleanor, thank you so much for the advice about shoving my feelings down deep. I feel so much better. It's like I'm surfing on this wave of positivity.
Eleanor: Is that Janet?
Michael: Oh, yeah. Have you met my secretary, Jeanette? She's a lot like Janet, but she doesn't pretend like she has all the answers.
Chidi: Hi, Jeanette.
Janet: Oh, no, it's still me... Janet. Michael just asked that I change my appearance, and also say things like, "You're so funny," and "So how many quarterbacks are in a home run?" [giggles]
Michael: Man, repressing your feelings is great. I was feeling stressed all the time, and now it's just so easy. Babe, we need to get some food into you. Get you something to eat.
Janet: I don't eat anything.
Michael: She's perfect.

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