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Quote from Michael in Existential Crisis

Michael: Hang on, there, mis amigos! Whoo! I want to make a toast.
Eleanor: No, no, no, Michael, oh, boy.
Michael: Okay, I know what you're thinking. Birth is a curse, and existence is a prison. But don't think about that. Don't be sad, you guys. Focus on something great like Drakkar Noir... whoo... which I am wearing a lot of tonight. Or the Sharper Image Catalog. What can't those guys ionize? By the way, I am feeling amazing. I'm going to do some push-ups. Then we'll go around the room and name our favorite cheese.
Vicky: Okay, that's good with the speeches. That's good, yeah. Let's all get back to the party. What was that? You didn't run any of that by me.
Michael: Oh, I know, I know. I'm sorry, babe. Listen, when you guys first took over, I was upset, but it's all good now. I mean, anger is toxic. I'm not about that negativity. Mi torture es su torture. I am so happy you're in charge.
Vicky: Okay, well, good.
Michael: Namaste, chica. [laughs] Do you want to dance?
Vicky: No.
Michael: Okay.

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