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Quote from Garrett in Hair Care Products

Isaac: I'm sick of everybody acting like all Black people have it worse than white people. Like, look at Will Smith. His life is way better than mine, and our debut albums came out the same year.
Dina: Isaac, I guarantee, all things being equal, racism is harder for Black people than it is for you. [to Garrett] Go on, tell them about how your life is harder because you're Black. Wait till you hear this. I think it's gonna be pretty bad. Wow, really?
Garrett: Um... Uh, okay. So a couple weeks ago, I bought a Nintendo Switch. A white dude follows me through the parking lot and goes, "You got a receipt for that?" [all groan]
Cheyenne: White dudes.
Garrett: So this is the kind of stuff we're working to address with this list.
Dina: Uh-uh, forget the list. We can get back to the list. The personal stories are breaking through. Give us another one.
Garrett: So you just want me to tell more stories about messed up stuff that happened to me 'cause I'm Black?
Dina: Exactly. Hit us with a big one!
Garrett: Fine, okay. Racist story time. Gather around, everybody. Oh, whoa! No, no, no! Don't actually scoot in.

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