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Quote from Garrett in Hair Care Products

Glenn: [on video call] I am so sorry. I biffed up hard. But I just really need you to know that I'm not a racist.
Garrett: Look, Glenn, I don't think you're racist, okay? You're just really horrible at this kind of stuff.
Glenn: You're right. And I...
Dina: [robotic voice] The user is out of minutes. [ends call] He doesn't know. Look, I'm sorry about him, okay? Just save all this pizza stuff for your next racist story time.
Garrett: There's not gonna be another racist story time. There shouldn't have been a first one. You're just as bad as Glenn. I pointed out a few problems I had with the store, and you have me making a whole list and doing a TED Talk? I mean, hell, Jonah's been weird and annoying all day, but at least he's tried to help out without putting the burden on me.
Jonah: Oh, wow. Yeah... thanks. Decentering takes a little practice, but I think I'm getting better at it. You know, I just have a tendency to... make things about myself.

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