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Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer in Mr. Monk Makes the Playoffs

Captain Stottlemeyer: It was just a prank.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, but what if it wasn't? You heard the paramedic. That guy could have been killed. No, something is going on here. Feels more like attempted murder.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Hey! You want this to be attempted murder! You do. Yeah, admit it! You need this to be a real case, because that's all you know. Snoopin' around, sniffin' around. Maybe you're right about the grill. You probably are. But it can wait. It can wait. We can lock the scene down. Nobody's goin' anywhere.
Scalper: Tickets here. Who needs two. Who needs two?
Adrian Monk: Hey, isn't that illegal? That's illegal.
Captain Stottlemeyer: It's a football game, Monk! Come on, use the off switch. Everybody has an off switch, right?
Adrian Monk: He's probably selling them for twice what they're worth.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Maybe not.

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