Paris Quote #376

Quote from Paris in To Whom It May Concern

Paris: Just a second. I'm in the middle of something.
Rory: Did you have a good-
Paris: Shh! No. I have to set up that Goldman Sachs interview before spring break. My Christmas was fine, thank you. I assume yours was, too?
Rory: It was nice.
Paris: Good. We've got the pleasantries out of the way. Can we move on?
Rory: I hope so. I am emotionally spent.


 ‘To Whom It May Concern’ Quotes

Quote from Paris

Paris: So, we seem to have a block of eight days here in late March that is disturbingly free of resume-building activity. Might be a good time to commit to some volunteer work. I'm not crazy about wheeling around elderlies in bathrobes, so I'm leaning towards tree planting.

Quote from Paris

Rory: I'm not being lazy, Paris. I'm not interested in being a lawyer. I'm interested in journalism.
Paris: Just because you go to law school doesn't mean you have you have to be a lawyer. Look at Dan Abrams. He's a journalist, but because of his law degree, he became the face of the Scott Peterson trial.
Rory: I don't want to be the face of the Scott Peterson trial, and I hate Dan Abrams. I will also not be taking the MCATs.
Paris: Sanjay Gupta, senior medical correspondent at CNN. Right now, he's got the market cornered.
Rory: Well, good for Sanjay.

Quote from Paris

Rory: What's all this?
Paris: This is the game plan for what I call Operation Finish Line.
Rory: Need more.
Paris: Okay. We only have five months left before we leave the warm and comforting bosom of this university and face the bitterly cold shoulder of the real world.
Rory: "We"?
Paris: You and I. You're the green marker. Green was a random choice, not a subtle comment about how inexperienced you are with real-life matters. Then again, maybe it was.