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The Quote

Quote from Norm in The Little Match Girl

Sam: Listen, just... Just start cleaning up. You know, we're gonna all gonna feel better if we just start cleaning up.
Carla: You know, I gotta say, Sammy, you're taking this whole thing pretty darn well. Not like some people.
Norm: Oh, the humanity. [crying]
Frasier: Norm, I wish you'd stop saying that. You've got to get a hold of yourself.
Norm: I'm sorry, I... I just... This place means so damn much to me. It's my home. Hell, for the last few years, it's been my life. And the thought of living without it, Sammy...
Sam: Oh, buddy. [Norm hugs Sam]
Norm: Now, I'm gonna be over at Gary's for the next few days, okay? I want you to give me a call when it looks decent, all right?

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