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Quote from Rebecca in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Bar

Robin: You know you're wonderful. You know, you really are a lovely woman, Rebecca.
Rebecca: And, Robin, you are the most handsome, charming, sophisticated man I've ever met.
Robin: Well, thank you. Uh, now, if you'll excuse me, I must go and wash out my underwear in the bathroom sink for tomorrow.
Rebecca: Robin?
Robin: [o.s.] Uh-huh?
Rebecca: You didn't by any chance hide one of those money belts over here, ever, did you?
Robin: [o.s.] Hah. Well, I mean, if I did, you-you'd be sure to have found it by now. I mean, you have cleaned up in the past two years, haven't you? [laughs]
Rebecca: Of course I have. [to herself] Be cool. Be cool.

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