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Quote from Rebecca in Please Mr. Postman

Sam: Hey, everybody. This is Station WSAM. 50,000 watts of power-packed love coming your way. I'll be spinning the platters that matter here, and this next moldy oldie is dedicated to the one I lust. [knocking]
Rebecca: [o.s.] Who is it?
Sam: The Righteous Brothers.
Rebecca: [o.s.] Uh-oh.
Sam: [enters Rebecca's office] Hello there, butter knees.
[As "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers plays, Sam pulls Rebecca out of her chair and starts to dance with her. As Sam moves Rebecca's limp body towards the computer, she starts to start to type. After Sam gives up, he wheels Rebecca's chair to her so she can sit down. After Sam leaves, Rebecca walks over to the boombox and turns the volume up. Rebecca gasps and strokes her hair as the song continues. Norm enters]
Norm: Rebecca, this tab, look... [Rebecca kisses Norm and then stops the music] So, uh, I can pay this anytime you want.
Rebecca: I don't know what got into me. Please, apologize to Vera.
Norm: Are you kidding? After that, Vera should apologize to me.

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