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Quote from Cameron in Royal Visit

Doctor Randy: My apologies. We happen to be next door to the Royals.
Mitchell: [gasps] Oh, my God, we just binged "The Crown". W-W-Which royals? William and Kate? Harry and the "Suits" girl?
Doctor Randy: Actually, it's the Kansas City Royals. Spring training, their practice field is next door.
Cameron: [gasps]
[aside to camera:]
Cameron: Growing up a Royals fan, it was always my dream to see them at spring training. So, I just decided, after the retreat was over, I'm just gonna swing by, you know, grab an autograph, maybe whisper an opinion in the manager's ear, be discovered as a great baseball mind. Then the Yankees would come calling, and then I'd have to choose between the team I love and the the big payout. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

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