Parks and Recreation Quotes

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation centers on Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the parks department of the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana, who is determined to use her position to improve the lives of the town's residents.

Starring: Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Adam Scott, Rob Lowe, Jim O'Heir, Retta.
Recurring Actors: Paul Schneider, Billy Eichner, Jay Jackson, Mo Collins, Ben Schwartz, Megan Mullally, Jon Glaser.
Original Run: 2009-2015.

Quote of the Day

Quote from Andy in Donna and Joe

Andy: Guys, it happened a really long time ago, right? And it was probably an accident.
Turk: Oh, yeah, I'm sure the Dig Dug machine just unplugged itself right before I was about to beat his high score. Yeah, I'm sure it was an accident.
April: Hey, status report?
Andy: The Meagles are weird. The words that they say sound passive, but seem aggressive. I feel like there should be a term for that. Like, "nicey-meanie."


Popular Quotes

Quote from Ron Swanson in Gin It Up!

Ron Swanson: That's your will? You need that many pages to say, "Give my stuff to my wife"?
Ben: It's a complicated legal document.
Ron Swanson: It doesn't have to be. I've had the same will since I was eight years old.
Ben: "Upon my death, all of my belongings shall transfer to the man or animal who has killed me." What are these weird symbols?
Ron Swanson: The man who kills me will know.

Quote from Ron Swanson in Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

Ranger Patrick: Hey, Ron. You're not going to slaughter that pig here, are you?
Ron Swanson: Not to worry. I have a permit.
Ranger Patrick: This just says, "I can do what I want."
Ron Swanson: I am the director of the Parks Department, and this is a park.
Ranger Patrick: It's not a Parks thing. It's against, like, three laws and a dozen health codes.
Ron Swanson: Fine. Barbecue is postponed until I can go pick up some meat from the Food 'n' Stuff. Let's go, Tom. No, pig Tom. [Donna laughs]

Quote from Ron Swanson in Partridge

Ron Swanson: [aside to camera] Tom and April were excellent witnesses in my defense. Unfortunately, every single word out of their mouths was a lie. There's only one thing I hate more than lying. Skim milk. Which is water that's lying about being milk.

Quote Collections

  • Duke Silver

    “Duke Silver”

    Duke Silver is Ron Swanson's saxophone-playing alter-ego, and leader of the Duke Silver Trio.


  • Burt Macklin, FBI

    “Burt Macklin, FBI”

    The best quotes from Andy Dwyer's alter-ego, Burt Macklin, FBI.


  • Ben Wyatt: Calzone Zone

    “Ben Wyatt: Calzone Zone”

    A selection of quotes dedicated to Ben Wyatt's favorite food, the 'portable, delicious meal' that is a calzone.


Trending Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope in London (Part 2)

Ben: Nice to be home.
Leslie Knope: It is. But I mean, I love Pawnee, I will always love Pawnee, but London is amazing. And Silkeborg sounds amazing, and Mongolia sounds amazing.
Ben: Their mayor is a professional wolverine Wrangler.
Leslie Knope: Fine, Mongolia sounds terrifying, but the world is a very big place, and I've seen very little of it. Maybe we should travel more, expand our horizons.
Ben: You know, I've had the same kinds of thoughts. We should keep that in mind, see where it leads us.

Quote from Jean-Ralphio in Citizen Knope

Jean-Ralphio: I'm gonna tell you something that I once heard from a very, very smart woman named Kim.
Ben: The lady who waxes you?
Jean-Ralphio: She told me, "if you don't love what you do... Then why do it?" Then she ripped the hair from my b-hole. [ripping sound]