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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Bar

‘It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Bar’

Season 11, Episode 14 - Aired January 21, 1993

Robin Colcord (Roger Rees) returns to Cheers a destitute man and claims to be happier for it. While Rebecca hopes Robin will take her back and reveal that he's still wealthy, the gang at Cheers tear the bar apart looking for a money belt.

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Poor guy. It's a real comedown, isn't it? Seems happy though.
Rebecca: Of course he's happy. He's lying.
Sam: I'm afraid of the rest of this.
Rebecca: Sam, don't you see it? He's testing me. Remember the last time before he left, he pretended like he was poor and I rejected him? And then it turns out he wasn't poor, he was rich? Well, he's testing me again. He wants to see if I've matured. And I'm gonna make damn sure that he knows that material wealth means nothing to me. And then he'll marry me and take me away. And I won't have to spend any more time with you poor, pathetic, boring losers. Day after day after day!
Sam: Honey, it's happening again.
Rebecca: What? What's happening?


Quote from Robin Colcord

Robin: My God. Look at you people.
Sam: Robin.
Robin: Look at your bar, Sam. In your greedy desire to obtain a non existent money belt, you destroyed what was most important to you.
Sam: Excuse me. What was that word right before "money belt"?
Robin: Non existent. Fictitious. Uh, mythical.
Sam: Nothing? Not even like a small change purse?
Robin: Nothing. And here you've torn apart your bar. I'll bet you turned on each other, too. How many side deals did you have going?
All: Oh. [all groan and mutter]
Sam: Oh, Robin, man, how could you do this to us?
Robin: To show you what money can do to a person. You all despised me when I was wealthy. You didn't understand that I was victim of an illness: greed. But now you do understand, because all of you here tonight have fallen victim to that same illness. Hopefully you've all learned something. And that's why I did what I did. Uh... plus, uh, I never really liked you. Ta.

Quote from Rebecca

Robin: My Rebecca. You know, I can't tell you how much I've missed her. And now to see her again, to look into those amber eyes, to hear that crystal bell of a voice.
Rebecca: Crap, Sam! Your desk smells like somebody puked in it!
Robin: Rebecca, I'm back.
Rebecca: [breathless] Robin! My sweet baby! Is it really you?!?
Robin: Yes.
Rebecca: I knew you'd come back for me! I quit! I'm out of here. No more petty job for Rebecca Howe. No more hanging out with you poor, pathetic, boring losers all day! My prayers have been answered. Robin's come back for me, and I'm rich! I'm rich! Why are you dressed like that, Robin?
Robin: Well I've taken a vow of poverty. I have only what I'm wearing and what I'm carrying in my rucksack.
Rebecca: Well, that's very sweet. Uh, did I just call you guys a bunch of names a few minutes ago?
Sam: Yeah.
Rebecca: I'm sorry, I just have these episodes when I'm around rich people, sort of like a blackout. No harm done, 'kay?

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Hello, everyone! So, what's new?
Cliff: Hey, Doc, you'd better settle in. Have we got a surprise for you.
Frasier: Really?
Cliff: Oh, yeah, yeah, a real shockeroo. You'll never guess who's back.
Frasier: It's Lilith, isn't it? Oh, thank God! She wants me back! Oh! Everything's gonna be okay now! I'll fall to my knees and tell her what a living hell my life has been! At last, the long nightmare is finally over! Where is my beautiful girl?
Cliff: Well, Doc, actually, it's Robin Colcord.
Frasier: Oh... good. I wouldn't take that broad back if you paid me.

Quote from Robin Colcord

Robin: Just one thing I have to tell you.
Rebecca: How much? I mean, go ahead.
Robin: You see, occasionally, l, um, I supplement my meager lifestyle by stealing. I did some time for that in Louisiana. We may have to run from the police, sleep under bridges, eat out of garbage cans.
Rebecca: Oh, Robin, cut the crap. I said I would go away with you, yadda-yadda-yadda-yadda. Now, let's get real.
Robin: Uh, what are you talking about?
Rebecca: I'm talking about, you wanted to know if I would still love you if you were poor, and I would, so we've settled that. So how much money do you have? $30 million? $40 million?
Robin: You mean all this time you thought I was still wealthy and that's why you've been so kind to me? You haven't changed a bit, have you? You haven't matured. You're still the same selfish, gold digger you always were. I'm poor. Do you understand? Destitute. I have to shoplift for food. Sometimes I even have to beg for money.
Rebecca: Ten million?
Robin: Zero. I'm poor. And I have no desire ever to be rich again.

Quote from Rebecca

Frasier: Yeah, I have to admit, Robin's right. Look what we've done to this place. To each other. Look what we've become.
Sam: Yeah. Boy, I tell you, money makes people do strange things, doesn't it?
Rebecca: [enters with all her stuff] Has anybody seen Robin?
Norm: Yeah, he just left.
Sam: Honey, it turns out there wasn't a money belt. He really is poor.
Rebecca: He tried to tell me that, too, and I almost bought it. Well, good-bye, you poor, pathetic, boring losers. I'm a-movin' on up.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Well, don't be too hard on them. You know, the sad part is that two years ago I would have been right over there with them. Yeah... But, you gotta admit, a million dollars is pretty tempting.
Robin: But you're not tempted anymore, huh?
Rebecca: Oh! No, no, no, not me. Well, I mean yes. It would be nice because of the good that you could do with it. I would love nothing more than to be able to spend a lot of money on my favorite charity.
Robin: Which one is that?
Rebecca: Oh, that's the Children's Boston something-something.

Quote from Cliff

Norm: Hey, Cliffie, take away that beard, and you know who I'd swear that is?
Cliff: Oh, yeah, you took the words right out of my mouth, Normie. Mr. D. B. Cooper himself. Yeah, I've been trackin' him for 20 years now, and now he's found me; The supreme irony.
Norm: No, Cliff, I was going to say Robin Colcord.
Cliff: Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah, you're right. Isn't that something? Well, my search continues.

Quote from Robin Colcord

Robin: A glass of ice water. And, uh, by the way, hello, Sam. Hello, boys. I'm back.
Sam: Robin! Robin Colcord! I'll be damned. How you been? Look at you! Why you, uh... Why are you dressed like that?
Robin: Well, my friends, I'm not the same Robin Colcord you once knew. I am penniless.
Carla: Robin! You left here with six million bucks! Remember, you had it hidden in that money belt in the office?
Robin: Yeah, well, I gave it away. And now I'm a drifter searching the world without a dime and finally liking what I find inside me.
Sam: Well... great.

Quote from Robin Colcord

Norm: No, seriously, Robin, you know, what have you been up to?
Robin: I've been living. I walked through Europe. I worked a kibbutz in Israel. Joined the merchant marine. Had the great honor to be blessed by the Pope. But listen to me going on about myself. What have you fellows been up to?
Cliff: Hitler moved into my building.
Robin: And, uh, how's Rebecca? Is she still luscious?
Carla: Uh, no. Actually, she slimmed down.

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