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Quote from Rebecca in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Bar

Robin: My Rebecca. You know, I can't tell you how much I've missed her. And now to see her again, to look into those amber eyes, to hear that crystal bell of a voice.
Rebecca: Crap, Sam! Your desk smells like somebody puked in it!
Robin: Rebecca, I'm back.
Rebecca: [breathless] Robin! My sweet baby! Is it really you?!?
Robin: Yes.
Rebecca: I knew you'd come back for me! I quit! I'm out of here. No more petty job for Rebecca Howe. No more hanging out with you poor, pathetic, boring losers all day! My prayers have been answered. Robin's come back for me, and I'm rich! I'm rich! Why are you dressed like that, Robin?
Robin: Well I've taken a vow of poverty. I have only what I'm wearing and what I'm carrying in my rucksack.
Rebecca: Well, that's very sweet. Uh, did I just call you guys a bunch of names a few minutes ago?
Sam: Yeah.
Rebecca: I'm sorry, I just have these episodes when I'm around rich people, sort of like a blackout. No harm done, 'kay?

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