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Land of the Lost

‘Land of the Lost’

Season 7, Episode 5 - Aired October 21, 2015

Frankie is worried about Mike, who is being even more quiet and distant than usual. Sue invites Brick to spend the weekend with her at college. Meanwhile, Axl and Hutch take matters into their own hands when they get fed up of their ant-infested house.

Quote from Reverend TimTom

Frankie: Hey, Mike. Look who's here... Reverend TimTom. Hey, why don't you entertain him while I go look for the stuff to donate to the church rummage sale that he drove all the way here to get?
Reverend TimTom: So, how's it going, Mike?
Mike: Ah, it goes.
Reverend TimTom: Well, I'm glad to hear it's going. Me? I'm going, too. Been at a charity car wash all weekend... Suds for the Savior. Biggest car wash in the history of Iowa. Even baptized a couple of kids in a soap bucket.
Mike: That's great. Good for them.
Reverend TimTom: So... No problems? Life treating you okay?
Mike: Yep. A-okay.


Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Look, I should have told you this before, but you can't go right at him. He's like an animal you're trying to catch. If he senses you coming, he's gone. You got to go around and sneak up on the problem.
Reverend TimTom: But you understand, as a man of the cloth, if he asks me why I'm really here, I've got to tell him the truth.
Frankie: What? Why?
Reverend TimTom: Well, lying is a sin.
Frankie: Is it though? I don't really think all sins are the same. I mean, lying certainly isn't as big of a sin as, say... I don't know... murder.
Reverend TimTom: Well, I-I guess you're right.
Frankie: I know I'm right. Now, go out there and knock my socks off. And remember, go around.

Quote from Brick

Sue: Brick! Where were you?
Brick: Well, you said go to the library, but on the campus map you gave me, there were 12 libraries, so I just went and stood in front of each one for a little while. Also, I got a burrito.
Sue: Wait, why were you outside?
Brick: Well, they wouldn't let me in without a student I.D. I didn't even get a chance to read a single book. Why didn't you call me?
Sue: You left your phone at home.
Brick: Oh! Right. I took it out 'cause I needed room for my statue of a cowboy made out of bent forks.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Look, I don't know where you're going with this Route 42 stuff, but you're dying out there. I mean, green barn? That is not exactly your best work. Mike can see it a mile away.
Reverend TimTom: Oh, I'm sorry. W-what exactly would you like me to say?
Frankie: Well... [scoffs] I'm not gonna spoon-feed you the words. You're the expert. All I know is I can't afford a real therapist, so I really need you to fix him.
Reverend TimTom: Okay, I don't mean to be a fly in the holy water, but you're kind of getting in my head here. You know, I'm not used to getting all these notes. I-I usually operate with one shepherd guiding me, and that's the big guy upstairs.
Frankie: Yeah, and if that were working, that would be great, but in the meantime, I need you to kick it up a notch. We're not dealing with some eighth grader who didn't get asked on a date to the roller rink. We got a seven-foot wall of pain out there. Now get back in and give me your "A" game!

Quote from Frankie

Mike: Really, Frankie? The roving rev?
Frankie: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I mean, all you do is walk around here, staring out windows. You know, a regular-size person radiates about this much mopey. But you're big, so you make this big mope cloud that just covers everything.
Mike: I told you. I just need a little time. It'll pass.
Frankie: Will it, Mike? Will it pass? 'Cause you've been saying it'll pass, and guess what... It's still here.
Mike: Okay. You really want to know what's bugging me?
Frankie: [sighs] Yes! Have I not made myself clear until now?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: Okay, I... I guess I'm just kind of surprised 'cause you don't usually have these type of feelings, or any feelings, really.
Mike: You think I don't know that? I'm pissed at myself. I'm a stupid cliche. I feel like I'm one of Sue's posters.
Frankie: Okay, you're kind of scaring me now. You know, it's like when you get turbulence and the flight attendant sits down and you know it's time to panic. You're my flight attendant. So stand up and get the beverage cart moving.
Mike: I will. I told you it'll pass, but you keep prying and sending reverends with ukuleles.
Frankie: I told him to go around.
Mike: Look, this isn't that big a deal. I-I-I just... lately, I've been feeling... I don't know. In my life, I always know what the next thing is, and I just do the next thing and the next thing. And now with the kids off at school and the house half empty, I don't know what the next thing is. And then when I think about it, and... All I could come up with is death.
Frankie: [sighs] Well, maybe we should be like those bone-density people. You know, the ones in the commercial? They take the bone-density stuff, and then their bones are strong and they end up living an active lifestyle, you know, refurbishing furniture together, walking through the woods with big visors on.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Well, it's going fine. The store called Rusty this morning, and, uh, the things are selling. They think they might make a second order.
Frankie: [sighs] Okay, this is weird. Everything you're saying sounds good, but your face doesn't match your words.
Mike: How's this? [smiles]
Frankie: Eh, go back to the old face.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Okay, so, you're gonna want to hang tight to your Brick-tinerary. If we want to see everything, we are gonna have to stick to schedule.
Brick: As long as I get to see the book elevator, I'm good. Now, what kind of line are we looking at for that? An hour? Two?
Sue: Uh, I think we'll be fine. I have also got a loose verbal commitment from Axl to meet us for pizza later.
Brick: Mm!
Sue: But we're keeping it flex. See, Brick, that's the kind of thing people say at college.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Oh! Okay, they're leaving. Uh, um, how do I get his attention? What's a fun, caszh way to get him to notice me? Every time I practiced this in my mind, we were at a market in Paris, and we both reached for the same baguette. [gasps] Maybe they're going to the cafeteria. I can follow him. [hits face on a wooden beam] Ah!
Logan: Sue! Is that you?
Sue: Logan? [chuckles] Wow, what are you doing here?
Logan: I, uh... I road-tripped down from Purdue 'cause, uh, my buddy's playing in the soccer game.
Sue: Oh, big college road trip. That's exciting.
Logan: Yeah. Uh, wow, I haven't seen you since prom.
Sue: Yeah.
Logan: I like your haircut.
Sue: Yeah? Thank you. [chuckles]
Logan: Was that 'cause of the cheese?
Sue: [laughs] No. The cheese came out fine. I burned it off with a garage-sale curling iron.

Quote from Sue

Logan: Uh, I remembered you said you were going to East Indy. I was hoping I'd run into you. [Sue chuckles] I would have called, but after I gave you my number and didn't hear from you, I thought, you know, "She doesn't want to talk to me."
Sue: What? No. No. No, no, no. I swear I texted you. I wrote, "Howdy, pardner. How's Texas?" And then didn't hear anything back.
Logan: What? What number did you have?
Sue: 812-555-0122. I think.
Logan: [chuckles] Ah, no, you were one number off.
Sue: So you weren't ignoring me. I thought it was the "Howdy, pardner" that threw you. I was debating whether to put that or, "hey, y'all," and I put the h...
Guy: Logan, let's go.
Logan: Uh... You know what? Uh, if you're not doing anything later, maybe we could grab dinner or something before...
Sue: Yes! [chuckles] Yeah. Yeah, I'm... Yeah. I mean, sure. Cool. [chuckles] Whatevs. I'm flex.
Logan: All right. Uh, meet you here, say 5:00? I promise I won't take you anywhere with potatoes.
Sue: [chuckles] Lates! [falls and jumps back up]

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