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Quote from Axl in A Tough Pill to Swallow

Hutch: Well, you know, I'm starting to think that this 'Bago is whipped.
Axl: [gasps] Well, you know what I think? I think you are a selfish, little man.
Hutch: You know what? I'm done with you. That's it! Kenny and I are freezing you out. Kenny, stop talking. [Kenny gives a thumbs up from under the Winnebago]
Axl: Oh, that is low. Fine, I'm freezing you out, too.
Hutch: You can't freeze me out. I froze you out first.
Axl: Can't even hear you. You're frozen out.
Hutch: Freeze back in. You suck. Freeze out.
Axl: Freeze in. You're a jerk! Freeze back out.
Hutch: Freeze back in. Maybe I'll find another place to live. Freeze back out.
Axl: Freeze back in. Maybe I don't even want to live with you. Freeze back out.
Hutch: Freeze back in. Good. Freeze out. Secret bonus freeze in. And your hair's not as great as you think it is. Freeze back out.
Axl: Freeze in. [gasps] Freeze back out. I got two hours to see April. I'm not gonna waste it having a childish argument with you! [rides away on a kick scooter]

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