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Quote from Frankie in The Sit Down

Sue: Mom, it just seems like you're nagging us all the time lately.
Frankie: Oh. I see. That's how it seems?
Axl: Yeah, it's like you tell us what to do before we even have a chance to do it ourselves.
Frankie: Oh, really? Is that what it's like?
Sue: [sighs] She's shutting down, Axl. I told you she'd shut down.
Frankie: I'm not shutting down. I am listening openly to your terrific tips for parenting you're sending my way. You really think I like nagging you?
Axl: I think you do.
Brick: I think it gives you a weird rush.
Axl: It's true. You live to nag. You're a nag-oholic.
Frankie: Well, you're a don't-do what-you're-supposed-to-oholic. I think if you did a survey of other moms, you would find that in the world of nag, I'm not that bad.
[Axl lifts up his shirt to show the word "Homework" written across his stomach. Brick lifts his sleeve to reveal "Coffeepot" on his arm and Sue lifts her sleeve to reveal "Shower" written on her arm.]

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