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Quote from Mike in Halloween VII: The Heckoning

Frankie: Okay, it's not fair that he's so nice to her and so mean to us.
Sue: Yeah, what is going on? He was getting nicer. He let me stay in his room. He was inviting me to parties. And now he's all, "Dogs can't have chocolate!" And yesterday he called me a horse, which isn't the worst thing, except he also did this. [neighs]
Mike: I know what's going on. The kid's got a certain amount of snark that's got to come out, and since he's with April 24/7, it's got nowhere to go. It's... It's like a plugged-up hose. The water's gonna come out somewhere.
Brick: So what, we're just supposed to sit back and get bullied? Well, that's what I usually do, but I thought you guys would have other options.
Mike: The guy's in love. Let's give it a couple weeks. If he starts saying that I'm scared of Mom again, I'll put the hammer down.

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