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Quote from Sue in Clear and Present Danger

Sue: Ah, there you are. Okay, listen. I'm making a video for Dad's birthday. Picture this... his nearest and dearest recounting fond memories and funny stories all edited together into a cherished keepsake he can watch for the rest of his life. [saughs] I haven't even made it yet, and I can't wait to give it to him. Oh, he'll love it.
Axl: Okay, do you remember when you were 5 and you wanted to wear makeup so you colored in your eyelid with permanent marker? That idea was 100 times better than this one.
Sue: [scoffs] Okay, well, what are you gonna get him that's so great?
Axl: I'm not getting him anything. Every day, I give him the gift of being the only positive reflection of his DNA.
Sue: Okay, look, I'm doing this, so I need you to be camera-ready tomorrow at 3:00. Study the questions. I don't want to hear any "uhs" or "ums" or "whatevers."
Axl: "If Dad was an animal, which one would he be?" "Which one of Dad's plaid shirts is my favorite, the dark blue or the light blue?"
Sue: [laughs] Yeah, I wanted to have at least one funny question.
Axl: Well, you didn't.

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