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The Trolley Problem

‘The Trolley Problem’

Season 2, Episode 6 - Aired October 19, 2017

Chidi is frustrated as he attempts to teach Michael about human ethics with "The Trolley Problem". Meanwhile, Tahani confides in Janet about her relationship with Jason.

Quote from Michael

Michael: I screwed up. I'm owning it. I mean, I'm a superior being... I ought to act like one, right? So I really thought about each one of you, and I got you something that will make you happy. I call them "opposite tortures."
Eleanor: Do you mean presents?
Michael: Yes, that's better. Thank you. Tahani, here's yours.
Tahani: Holy mama. Is this a diamond?
Michael: Yeah. Honestly, I don't get the appeal. Diamonds are literally carbon molecules lined up in the most boring way. They're worthless space garbage. What you're holding right now... that's basically meteorite poop.
Tahani: [squealing] And I have the biggest piece!


Quote from Michael

Michael: What do you want from me, man? You want me to give you a golden nameplate for your office? Or you want a diamond bigger than Tahani's?
Tahani: No! Then this would be worthless.
Chidi: I don't want anything.
Michael: Oh. Oh, okay. Ah, I get it. I get it. You want me to admit that I was wrong. You want me to say, "Oh, Chidi, I'm so sorry because I didn't understand human ethics and you do. It made me feel insecure, and I lashed out. And, oh, please help me because I feel so... so lonely and vulnerable."
Chidi: Yes.
Michael: Oh, Chidi, I am so sorry. I, um... I didn't understand human ethics, and you do. And it made me feel insecure, and I lashed out. And I really need your help because I feel... so lost and vulnerable.
Chidi: Have a seat.

Quote from Chidi

Chidi: I've been racking my brain, trying to find a way to get through to Michael. What do you think about writing a rap musical about Kierkegaard?
Eleanor: I think that's a terrible idea.
Chidi: Cool. [throws away papers]

Quote from Chidi

Michael: Chidi? Talk it out, buddy. What are we thinking?
Eleanor: He thinks he just killed a bunch of people with a trolley.
Michael: It's just a simulation. I would never make you kill real people.
Chidi: Oh, well, that's reassuring, because some of the parts of the fake people flew into my mouth!

Quote from Jason

Jason: Tahani's confusing. She's really smart. And she's all soft and smooth like a bunch of water balloons. But I tell her she's pretty a hundred times a day, and she's never said I'm pretty once.
Janet: And how does that make you feel?
Jason: I just feel like Tahani's embarrassed that I'm not some sort of scientist who forecloses on banks.

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: Eleanor seemed a little suspicious earlier, snooping around. You didn't tell her about us, did you?
Jason: No. Why are you so scared that someone will know we're pounding it out?
Tahani: Precisely because you refer to lovemaking as "pounding it out." Who cares about what other people might think about us being together? Maybe you should talk about this with a friend.
Tahani: But then that person would know we were together.
Jason: Right. Then you can talk about why it is that you don't want anyone to know we're together.
Tahani: But then that person would know, and I don't want anyone to know.
Jason: I know. I'm saying you should talk to someone about how weird it is that you don't want to talk to someone about how we're together.

Quote from Tahani

Jason: Hey, guys. What are you doing? Sitting in a room? That's pretty cool.
Tahani: I took your suggestion, and I'm talking to Janet about our relationship.
Janet: Actually, it might help me if I could hear Jason's side as well.
Tahani: Oh, no, no, no. That'll only slow things down. Look, I'll tell you his side. He thinks that I have to control everything and that he has no voice in this relationship. Right, Jason? Good. Now, where were we? I just... heard that. Okay, fine. I'll leave.

Quote from Michael

Chidi: I just don't feel like you're engaging with the material... like with The Trolley Problem.
Michael: That was just tricky. That's all. Why don't you just tell me the right answer?
Chidi: Well, that's what's so great about The Trolley Problem is that there is no right answer.
Eleanor: Ugh.
Michael: This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors.
Eleanor: I'm on your side here, dude, but he is not wrong.

Quote from Michael

Eleanor: Michael, can we just go back to the classroom?
Michael: We never left. Here, I'll show you.
[Chidi breathes a sigh of relief as Michael snaps his fingers and they're transported back to to the classroom. Michael snaps again and sends them back to the trolley.]
Eleanor: Look. See, buddy? None of this was real.
Michael: Well, they're fake people, but their pain is real. Does that make sense? There have to be stakes, or it's just another thought experiment.
Chidi: This is awful.
Michael: You specifically asked me if there was a way I could connect with the material more. I'm trying, you guys.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Do we know anything about the people? Like, is one of them an ex-boyfriend or that snooty girl from Rite Aid who was always silently judging my purchases? It's like, yeah, chicky, a Baby Ruth and birth control. I see the irony. Keep a-swipin'.
Chidi: You don't know any of the workers.
Eleanor: Okay, well, then that's easy. I switch tracks. Kill one person instead of five.

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