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The Trolley Problem

‘The Trolley Problem’

Season 2, Episode 6 - Aired October 19, 2017

Chidi is frustrated as he attempts to teach Michael about human ethics with "The Trolley Problem". Meanwhile, Tahani confides in Janet about her relationship with Jason.

Quote from Jason

Jason: Here's the thing. I'm nice to you, and you're mean to me. There's something wrong about that, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Tahani: Oh, Jason. I genuinely like you, but it's hard to change all at once. Can you give me a little more time?
Jason: Okay. I agree to keep this on the DL for now, if you agree to grab my butt in public once a week. You can say I sat in gum and that you're trying to scrape it off.
Tahani: You do sit in a lot of gum.
Janet: Aw, I'm happy for you guys. [retches] [frog croaking] Huh.


Quote from Michael

Michael: Look, I don't know what to tell you. If Chidi can't take a joke, that's on him... just like all that blood was. [chuckles]
Eleanor: I can't high-five that! No matter how badly I want to.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Look, this isn't about Chidi not being able to take a joke. This is about you. You're doing what I used to do. You're pulling an Eleanor.
Michael: Posting my cousin's credit card number on Reddit because she said I looked tired? [both chuckle]
Eleanor: I forgot I did that. No. [clears throat] No. Pulling an Eleanor in this case is lashing out when you feel like a failure. You couldn't hack the classes. They made you feel dumb and small, so you took it out on the teacher.
Michael: You think I feel dumb and small? I'm an eternal being who can see in nine dimensions. I can see from your aura that you're about to fart quietly and then lie about it. And please don't, because I can also see what you ate today.
Eleanor: Dude, you can bluster and insult all you want... also classic Shellstrop moves, by the way... but deep down you know I'm right.
Michael: Whatever. Eventually Chidi will get over it.
Eleanor: Ah! [laughs] Leaving it up to the other person to be the grown-up... yet another classic Shellstrop move. [chuckles] You and I are really very similar. What does that say about me? Ugh. Look, bro, it's 100% on you to make this up to him.

Quote from Eleanor

Michael: Eleanor... I had Janet make you a never-ending shrimp dispensery.
Eleanor: [gasps] Oh! [laughing] This is the dream.
Chidi: It is?
Eleanor: Yeah.

Quote from Jason

Michael: Jason, here you go.
Jason: [gasps] Pikachu! Guys, it's Pikachu! This is awesome... [balloon pops] Aw, man.

Quote from Chidi

Michael: And finally, Chidi. You were a tough nut to crack, but I think I figured it out. This is a replica of a lost notebook from the desk of Immanuel Kant. It contains never-before-seen thoughts and musings and several, uh... crude erotic doodles. Interesting guy, actually. The point is, no one on Earth has ever seen this... except for you.
Chidi: Cool. [throws it in the trash] This isn't an apology. It's a bribe, and I'm not interested.
Eleanor: [mouth full] Yeah, we can't be bought.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Whoo-hoo! Nobody try mystery flavor. It's white chocolate, and it is nasty. [eats more]

Quote from Janet

Tahani: Listen, we just wanted to thank you for all of your help. Our relationship has grown so much stronger over the past few weeks, and we owe it all to you.
Janet: Congratulations. I am very happy for the both of you. [rumbling and crashing] Okay. Bye.
[After Janet disappears from Tahani's house, she reappears in Michael's office]
Janet: Hi, there.
Michael: What's happening? What's wrong?
Janet: I am wrong. I can't stop glitching. I don't know why. And it's getting worse. I fear this neighborhood is in danger of total collapse. So that's the main thing. How are you?

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