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Quote from Simone in A Girl from Arizona (Part 1)

Eleanor: Hey, there, Simone. Shoving people in the pool, huh?
Simone: Yeah, just testing the laws of physics here in my nonsense brain jail. Who's this?
Eleanor: Uh, this is Chidi Anagonye. He was a professor of ethics and moral philosophy, so I figured he might be able to help...
Simone: Chidi Anagonye, that sounds so familiar. Where did you teach?
Chidi: St. John's University in Sydney.
Simone: Of course! I used to teach there. I must've seen his name on the faculty list and now my dying brain is just leaking out random information. Oh, the human mind is truly incredible! [sings] I want something else To get me through this Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, baby
Chidi: Look, sorry, uh, what... what's happening now?
Simone: When I was a kid, my CD alarm clock broke and it used to wake me up to that song every day, so now I'm singing it to try and wake myself up.
Chidi: Okay, well, nice meeting you.
Simone: Nice to meet you too, cute guy generated by my rapidly decaying temporal lobe. [vocalizes]

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