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Where's Charlie?

‘Where's Charlie?’

Season 7, Episode 5 - Aired October 19, 1991

After Miles gives her a friendship ring, Rose feels that Charlie is sending her a message that he doesn't approve. Meanwhile, Blanche coaches a guy in baseball, and Dorothy writes a letter to her late father.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: You're a horrible little person.
Sophia: Come on, like you never pretended to be possessed by somebody's dead husband for a couple of laughs.
Dorothy: You know, you have really ruined Rose's relationship with Miles.
Sophia: If you could have seen her face when I talked like Charlie. I almost wet myself.
Dorothy: Listen, you vindictive little sea monkey, you are going to tell Rose the truth.
Sophia: Or?
Dorothy: Remember Shady Pines?
Sophia: Yeah, it wasn't so bad.
Dorothy: I hear they sold it to some Germans.
Sophia: Rose? Rose, sweetheart? Rose?


Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Dorothy, it's past your bedtime.
Dorothy: Ma, I'm 60 years old. I can stay up as late as I want.
Sophia: No, we said when you're 65 you can stay up as late as you want.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Oh, I would like you all to meet Stevie. I'm gonna be coachin' him. He's a professional baseball player.
Dorothy: Oh, you got Blanche's number from the wall in the dugout?
Stevie: Yes, ma'am. And it sure was right. I am having a good time.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Well, maybe I can't teach Stevie anything about the game, but I can encourage him and give him a shot of self-esteem. Some people are great artists, some are great musicians. I have but one talent.
Sophia: Oh! Oh! I know.
Dorothy: Come on, Ma, too easy.
Sophia: That's what I was gonna say.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Blanche, just out of curiosity, why don't you check the fruit salad?
Blanche: No way. I'm not goin' anywhere near that refrigerator.
Sophia: Wow, two miracles in one day.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Ah, girls, what a great night. Stevie went three for four.
Dorothy: Oh, you were at the game?
Blanche: There was a game? Oh, that man just makes me feel so young. Like I was back in high school again. Remember? Remember how you used to feel when your boyfriend was star of the football team? Oh, look who I'm talkin' to!

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Blanche, I don't think this is gonna work. Come on, you don't know anything about baseball. You're just misleading this guy.
Blanche: Oh, you're just jealous because I have a healthy sex life and all you have is your mother.
Sophia: Dorothy would rather have me than a healthy sex life. Right, Dorothy?
Dorothy: Right. Not!
Sophia: That's how you talk to your mother? Put that in the letter to your father. How sassy you've gotten since menopause.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Rose, we have to talk.
Rose: Forget it, Sophia. I'm not talking to you. What you did is the worst thing you've ever done to me.
Sophia: Oh, come on. Worse than the time I buried you up to your neck in sand and let the children throw baseballs at you for 25 cents?
Rose: Well, I can't hold that against you. That was for charity.
Sophia: Yeah, right, charity.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Well, I finally finished my letter. I got everything down, every little hurt out.
Sophia: This is to me.
Dorothy: I found out during the process that Pop was a pretty good father. But I never really told him I loved him, so I want to make sure I tell you.
Sophia: Oh, pussycat. "Dear Ma. Thanks for giving me life and thanks for making it good. I love you." And I love you, too, pussycat.
Dorothy: And I love you, too. And I'm glad you're my mom.
Sophia: And I'm glad you're my baby. [doorbell rings]
Dorothy: That's probably the schmaltz police.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Now, wait a minute. You're a coaching a baseball player by letting him wear your underwear? Didn't I see this movie? A woman helps a handsome ballplayer and he goes off to live with the Indians. What was it called? Dances with Bulls?
Dorothy: Ma, you're confusing Bull Durham with Dances with Wolves.
Sophia: Ah, what's the difference? You get to see Kevin Costner's buns in both of them.

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