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Where's Charlie?

‘Where's Charlie?’

Season 7, Episode 5 - Aired October 19, 1991

After Miles gives her a friendship ring, Rose feels that Charlie is sending her a message that he doesn't approve. Meanwhile, Blanche coaches a guy in baseball, and Dorothy writes a letter to her late father.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Boy, Charlie must really be upset about me accepting Miles' ring. Oh, God, if I could just talk to him one more time. I would give every last cent I have.
Sophia: [raising her arms and mimicking Charlie] Wait, Rose.
Rose: What, Sophia?
Sophia: It's not Sophia. It's Charlie. I'm in the old lady's body.
Rose: Come on, Sophia, you're full of- Fruit salad. Charlie? Charlie, I want to believe it's you. Tell me something that only the two of us would know.
Sophia: Don't take any wooden nickels.
Rose: Oh, my God, it is you!


Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Now, what are you doing?
Dorothy: Well, if you must know, I'm writing a letter to Pop.
Sophia: The same Pop who died 17 years ago?
Dorothy: That's right.
Sophia: There's nothing sadder than your daughter losing it before you do.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Look, Ma, I'm not gonna mail it. I just read somewhere that you can settle your feelings about someone even after they're gone, and there were a lot of things I never told Pop while he was alive. I never even got to say goodbye. So, I'm getting all this stored-up emotion out in a letter.
Sophia: Good idea, pussycat. I'm gonna write one to Mario Lanza.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: Well, thank you, Stevie. Now, here's the vitamins. Take them when you get up.
Stevie: Oh, but sometimes I get up at 4:00 a.m. to... Well, you know.
Sophia: I know. Boy, do I know.
Dorothy: Yeah, but I'm sure afterwards Stevie doesn't yell, "Help! Come get me. My feet are asleep."

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: You better be gettin' to bed, darlin', you're in trainin'. Oh, wait a minute, almost forgot. I want you to put this lingerie on under your uniform for battin' practice.
Stevie: I know you said you'd help my game, but do you think this will work?
Blanche: Yes.
Stevie: I can't wear this. Do you have any idea the kind of teasing that goes on in a locker room?
Blanche: Yes.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Now, look, you have to discover the sensuality of baseball. There're just many, many, many similarities between baseball and makin' love. The mental preparation, the rush of adrenalin, the unspecified duration of the game.
Sophia: And you should hear the cheers coming from Blanche's room on Old-Timers' Day.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: My talent is molding men. And I'm not doin' this just for myself, I'm doin' it for baseball. For the fans. The community expects somethin' of me.
Dorothy: Oh! Oh! I know!

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, thanks for a wonderful evening. It's not many men who'll take a girl shopping.
Miles: Well, it's not every woman who likes to shop for bait. Well, sweetheart, I had a wonderful time. Good night.
Rose: Good night.
Miles: Oh, wait minute. Wait a minute. What's this in my pocket?
Rose: That line didn't work last night, and it's not gonna work tonight.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, it's beautiful.
Miles: The stone goes on top, Rose.
Rose: Oh, it is beautiful! But before I wear this, Miles, I have to know what it means.
Miles: Well, it's a friendship ring, like Abbott might have given to Costello.
Rose: I love it. So, now we're a dead comedy team?
Miles: What? It's that sense of humor. Oh, that's why I buy you jewelry.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Hi, everyone. If I seem a little giddy, it's because... Look what Miles gave me.
Sophia: Liver spots?

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