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Dorothy's Prized Pupil

‘Dorothy's Prized Pupil’

Season 2, Episode 21 - Aired March 14, 1987

Dorothy is distraught when her star pupil's moving essay about coming to America attracts the attention of the INS.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: What is all the shouting about?
Blanche: Oh, I'll explain it all later. Right now I have to go pour on a little Southern charm. And if that doesn't work, I might have to eat a little Yankee crow.


Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I don't like that look on your face.
Mario: Bad news. They're sending me back.
Dorothy: Oh, Mario, I'm sorry.
Mario: It's not your fault.
Dorothy: Oh, but it's just- It's so unfair. I can't believe it. But listen, this doesn't mean we're going to have to give up. We're gonna fight this. There are legal ways to keep you in this country, and tomorrow morning we're going to find out what they are.
Mario: I have to go tomorrow.
Dorothy: Then I'll do it myself, and we'll get you back here. I promise. I'm gonna miss you.
Mario: I'm gonna miss you, too.
Dorothy: Now, listen, I want you to keep up with your homework and you write to me and tell me how you're doing.
Mario: I will. I'll never forget you.
Dorothy: Huh! You won't have time to. You'll be back here before you know it. This is your home. This is where you belong. You're what this country is all about. Say goodbye to Rose and Blanche for me. OK.
Mario: Adios, Teach.
Dorothy: Mario. [Dorothy hugs him]

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: So, you see, sweetheart, I was doing it for your own good. Treating you like a dog was really doing you a favor. So, what do you say we just forget all about it, now? OK? Hmm?

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