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Quote from Rose in If at Last You Do Succeed

Blanche: Did you call St. Olaf? What do we have to do to cash the bonds?
Rose: I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I'm gonna tell you straight out. Once upon a time, there was an ant and a grasshopper-
Blanche: Oh, my God. They're not gonna redeem the bonds.
Rose: Oh, they want to, but the city would have to liquidate all its assets. St. Olaf would be bankrupt.
Blanche: And this affects me how?
Rose: Don't you understand? If we take that money, there won't be any left for the police cars and the fire trucks and the children's Cheese Museum.
Blanche: You have a museum where children go to look at cheese?
Rose: Hey, it beats learning about it in the streets.

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