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Quote from Blanche in Like the Beep Beep Beep of the Tom-Tom

Dr. Stein: Well, nothing will go wrong. I've done this a hundred times. You'll be fine in a week. All we do is cut a small incision below the collarbone, make a little pocket for the pacemaker under the muscle, then feed a tiny wire through the vein and into the heart. Then the pacemaker gives little electric shocks to the valve which regulates the heartbeat.
Blanche: You mean you're gonna cut into me?
Dr. Stein: You did know that.
Blanche: Won't that leave a scar?
Dr. Stein: Two inches, tops.
Blanche: Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't have any scars. See, my clothes are all off-the-shoulder. Sooner or later.

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