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Quote from Rose in You Gotta Have Hope

Rose: I'm serious. Bob Hope is my father. Well, sort of. I mean, he could be, maybe.
Dorothy: Rose, what the hell are you talking about?
Rose: There's something I've never told you girls. I spent the first eight years of my life at the St. Olaf orphanage. Gunther and Alma Nylund are my adoptive parents.
Blanche: How come you never told us about this before?
Rose: Oh, I loved my parents so much, I really never think about it. But I sure did before I became their daughter. When I was at the orphanage, I used to daydream all the time that my real parents would knock on the door and take me away. So, like most of the kids there, I started fantasizing about who they might be. I had a particularly clear picture in my head of my father. Anyway, one day, they took us all to the movies, and when Bob Hope came on the screen, I stood up and yelled, "My God, that's my father! That's him!"
Blanche: Rose, honey, you don't still actually believe that?
Rose: Believing that got me through some very rough times, Blanche. I mean, whenever I had a problem I couldn't solve, I'd just write Bob Hope a letter or go to one of his movies, and suddenly I was able to work it all out. All my life, I always felt he was there if I needed him. That's why I know he won't let me down now.
Dorothy: I don't know whether to cry or commit you.
Rose: You just leave it to me. I know in my heart he'll be here.
Dorothy: Rose, just so I get this straight, you never actually met Bob Hope?
Rose: No. But I'm sure looking forward to it.

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