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You Got Zuko'd

‘You Got Zuko'd’

Season 6, Episode 2 - Aired October 3, 2018

When Jackie returns from summer vacation with a new style, Adam tries to change his personality to impress her. Meanwhile, Beverly tries to impart her cooking knowledge on Lainey.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Ah! I hear jingling! Don't know which moron that is, but if you want my car, then take Pops home.
Pops: Yeah, I could use a ride.
Adam: Ah, come on! F-Fine. 'Cause I love you! Let's get moving!
Murray: Bup bup! You know all those paving stones?
Adam: You mean the ones Mom has screamed at you to return for the last year?
Murray: Yeah, load 'em up in the car and take 'em back to Heckingers before they close in an hour.
Adam: No! Can't I do this another time?
Murray: Nah, it'll feel good to get it off my plate.


Quote from Geoff

Barry: Dude! Where is the box?
Geoff: It's on the counter. Your mom has some real gems in there. I made a hearty chowder for Erica. Here, take a spoonful.
Barry: No! I don't have time to eat- Mmm! Tastes like our summers at the shore. But enough of your dumb thing. I need a recipe, stat.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was go time. Our engines were roaring, and everything was on the line my car, my dignity, but most importantly, my future with Jackie.
Adam: Listen, I kind of borrowed this car from my dad, so it's not really mine to lose. You get it, right?
Johnny Atkins: The only thing I'm getting is that car. And those tasteful paving stones, which will encourage outdoor living during the warm summer months.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Jackie! We did it, baby! We won!
Jackie: Yeah, congratulations on getting from here to there slightly quicker than Johnny was able to push his car.
Adam: You mean my car. Pink slip's mine, Atkins. I'm taking the Celica.
Johnny Atkins: You can't take the Celica!
Jackie: You can't take his Celica, Adam.
Johnny Atkins: You can't take the Celica!
Adam: Oh, I'm taking the Celica!
Johnny Atkins: But it's my mom's! She needs it to get to the dental office in the morning.
Adam: Hey, you were gonna take my car and the paving stones.
Johnny Atkins: I just said that for the pageantry of the event! Please! My brother has tennis after school!
Adam: Well, he ain't getting there in my Celica!
Johnny Atkins: You can't take the Celica!

Quote from Barry

Barry: I just realized me and Lainey want the complete opposite kind of marriage. She wants an equal partnership, while I want her to tend to my needs the rest of our days. There's no right or wrong here.
Beverly: A good relationship needs a lot of give-and-take, Barry.
Barry: Why can't it be like you and Dad? You know, where you give and he takes.
Murray: I've heard enough, moron. Not all marriages are the same. Stop worrying about what you want to take and start thinking about what you want to give.
Beverly: Wow. So, maybe Lainey has a point.
Barry: You're right. I'm lucky I had someone like you taking care of me my whole life. I learned from the best which means now I can take care of Lainey.
Beverly: Wait. You want the box?
Barry: Cooking is how our family shows love, right? So now it's time I show Lainey how much I love her. Although, I could use a few pointers.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And that night, they whisked, they battered, they rolled and seasoned, until they had pork Parm Wellington fit for a boy-king's queen.

Quote from Barry

Lainey: Believe me, the last thing I want right now is your mom's cooking.
Barry: Actually I made it for you.
Lainey: You really think cooking me one dinner is gonna change anything?
Barry: It's not about this one. It's about the next thousand. I just- God, this sounds so stupid.
Lainey: No, say it.
Barry: Every day, you take care of me just by being you. And I realized now it's my job to take care of you.
Lainey: How about we just take care of each other?
Barry: Deal.

Quote from Adam

Adam: How'd you know I'd be here?
Jackie: Because it's the Bazaar-nival. I knew you wouldn't miss it.
Adam: It turns out the Bazaar-nival is not that many parts fun. It's completely lame. And so am I.
Jackie: I never said it was lame. And I certainly never asked you to cut your jeans into Daisy Dukes.
Adam: I know! I just loved that I actually found someone out there who was just like me, someone who could geek out over a good Bazaar-nival.
Jackie: Adam, even though I changed a bit over the summer doesn't mean we're not the same. And nothing will ever change the way I feel about you.
Adam: Really?
Jackie: I will always love my allergenic, Bazaar-nival-loving, nerd boyfriend.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Sure, change is scary. Sometimes we're so desperate to hold on to the past that we lose sight of who we really are. But in the end, when we open our hearts to accept those we love most for who they really are, a little change can be a wild ride that stays with you forever.

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