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The Age of Darkness

‘The Age of Darkness’

Season 1, Episode 21 - Aired April 29, 2014

Erica is crushed when her first love, Drew Kremp, breaks up with her. Beverly sets out to console Erica, by fixing her up with somebody else. Meanwhile, Barry discovers a new video game and soon develops an unhealthy obsession with the game. Pops and Adam throw an intervention for Barry, but it isn't enough to stop Barry's craving from costing Adam one of his prized posessions.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Peanut, believe me, it's his loss.
Erica: I am dead inside, and that's what you say to me?
Barry: She said she's dead inside.
Murray: I know what she said!


Quote from Barry

Adam: How'd they get a cartoon into a video game?
Barry: You're so dumb. They pour it in the top.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was called "Punch-Out!!" It combined everything my brother loved Video games, sports, and graphic, senseless violence.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Well, you better tell Drew not to take too long to figure things out 'cause Erica's got a lot of guys coming around. Lot of guys. And one girl. She's not gonna do anything about that, but, uh still flattering.

Quote from Barry

Barry: A penny? Worthless! It's the garbage of money!

Quote from Pops

Barry: Hey! Pops-aroni, looking good. Did you lose some weight or just get a haircut?
Pops: Oh, what can I say? I've been hit by the handsome stick.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Hey, Ad-Rock! What do you say we go down to the arcade? It'll only cost you $20.
Adam: Sorry, I got a spelling test tomorrow.
Barry: Why are you being such a [Bleep] [Bleep]?
Adam: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Pops: Easy! Easy! Easy!
Barry: Sorry. Lost my cool. I'm fine.

Quote from Barry

Barry: Okay. I got money. I'll just cash in the $100 bond you gave me last year.
Pops: That doesn't mature for another 10 years. It's hardly worth anything right now.
Barry: You're a filthy liar, old man!

Quote from Barry

Barry: Hey, Dale. Guess who cashed in his $100 bond and is now sitting on 6 bucks of cold, hard change.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: Way to make it about you, mom.
Beverly: No, no, no. This is not about me. It's about you feeling better, so I can feel better. Make me feel better.

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