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The Age of Darkness

‘The Age of Darkness’

Season 1, Episode 21 - Aired April 29, 2014

Erica is crushed when her first love, Drew Kremp, breaks up with her. Beverly sets out to console Erica, by fixing her up with somebody else. Meanwhile, Barry discovers a new video game and soon develops an unhealthy obsession with the game. Pops and Adam throw an intervention for Barry, but it isn't enough to stop Barry's craving from costing Adam one of his prized posessions.

Quote from Murray

Murray: But the thing is-
Erica: If you're gonna say another lame dad cliche, I will literally press your face against this hot, sizzling grill.
Murray: No, no, I believe you. But I really want you to hear this.


Quote from Barry

Barry: I know this may sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna become champion of the world.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Good. 'Cause I don't ever want to talk to her again. Stupid, beautiful podiatrist's son.

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