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Quote from Beverly in If You Build It

Geoff: Choo-choo! Baby gift train heading to Closet Station.
Beverly: You can turn that engine into a caboose, 'cause this closet is full of hundreds of Grammy-Baby matching jammies.
Geoff: Um.
Erica: One set seems like too many, but, okay, we'll just use the hall closet.
Beverly: No! No! No, no, no! Not the closet! Not... Not the hall closet!
Erica: Mom, let me just open the door.
Beverly: I said no.
Bill Lewis: [enters] I got your message, Bevy, so I came over to lend a hand... [closet door opens] My God, it's like a shrine to the Mur-man.
Geoff: Whoa. There's like ten yellow ones. I always thought it was just the one.
Bill Lewis: They hid so many mustard stains.
Virginia Kremp: The label just says "Shirt." And the size is, uh, "Man."
Beverly: Okay, fine! You all know my little secret! I've saved my husband's stain-and-wrinkle-resistant shirts. Are you happy?
Erica: Mom, I know it's tough, but while we're cleaning, maybe you should do some cleaning of your own?
Beverly: Look, I meant to go through all of his things, but... ...I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe it's time. Let's go get some boxes.

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