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Quote from Mr. Glascott in Hip-Shaking and Booty-Quaking

Mr. Glascott: I love your Fame idea.
Beverly: Really?
Mr. Glascott: Yes. I'm a Fame-a-holic. I've seen it 19 times. The ticket guy at the theater thinks I'm mentally unstable.
Beverly: Well, you know, they have it on VHS, John.
Mr. Glascott: I was an early adopter of the Sony format Betamax. Its retail failure was also my own.
Beverly: Then why'd you double down and say my idea was terrible?
Mr. Glascott: Peer pressure and outie belly buttons are my greatest fears. But you don't know how many school musicals I've sat through, silently longing to be up there under those hot lights myself.
Beverly: Then, baby, they'll remember your name.
Mr. Glascott: That's from the movie! [both laugh]

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