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Quote from Murray in Dana's Back

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Growing up in the 80s, my mom loved her kids more than anything, which made every goodbye utter agony. So, dropping my big bro and sis off at college was bound to be a tsunami of sadness. My dad, on the other hand...
Murray: Okay, morons, out ya go.
Beverly: They're not morons. They're our baby birds leaving the nest, and they are very upset about it.
Barry: My four-year bender of unsupervised partying starts now!
Erica: Dad, you're not even stopping the car!
Murray: I'm basically stopped! Come on! Go, go, go!
Geoff: This feels very unsafe.
Beverly: For God's sake, Murray, stop the car.
Murray: There's nowhere to stop!
Geoff: The man in the orange "welcome" vest is guiding you to a spot!
Beverly: Damn it, Murray, now!
Murray: Fine! Okay, you got 20 seconds. That's 10 per kid.
Beverly: I know how many children we have.

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