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Quote from Geoffrey in Winner Takes Off

Geoffrey: Well, if you're so confident in my lack of ability perhaps you'd like to make a little wager. Say, $30?
Will: Done.
Contestant: [on TV] Vietnam for $200.
Quiz Show Host: [on TV] You drew the wild card.
Carlton: What do you say, Geoffrey? Want to double your bet?
Geoffrey: Well, it is an awful lot of money but, what the hell.
Quiz Show Host: And the question is... "Who is the South Vietnamese president killed by his own generals in 1963?" [Will & Carlton laugh]
Geoffrey: Ngo Dinh Diem.
Quiz Show Host: [on TV] [buzzer] No guesses? The correct answer is Ngo Dinh Diem.
Geoffrey: [chuckles] Splendid. [exits]
Will: I say we call Immigration.

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