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Quote from Eric in It's a Wonderful Life

Angel: Huh? Huh? Start the waterworks.
Eric: [present] Sorry.
Angel: Come on. You gotta feel something.
Eric: [present] Yeah. Envy. He never had to feel the pain of losing her.
Eric: [future] Oh, wait a minute. You actually had a relationship with Donna?
Eric: [present] Wait, I thought you said he couldn't hear me.
Angel: I'm loose with the rules. So sue me.
Eric: [future] No, seriously. You had Donna?
Eric: [present] Look- [sighs] We broke up. You're much better off.
Eric: [future] Says you! Look at me! I'm 28 years old. I've only had sex with Big Rhonda, and all three times, believe me she did not look like that. Idiot!
Eric: [present] You're sad you were never with Donna? Well, you got off light, man. I had her, and I lost her! And believe me, you don't want to know how bad that hurts!
Eric: [future] You're an angel, right?
Angel: Why, yes. Yes, I am.
Eric: [future] Can you, like- Can you do anything to help me?
Angel: Listen closely: No.

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