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Quote from Hyde in Love of My Life

Andrew Davis: You know what, enough of this jibber jabber. I brought you folks a gift from back home.
Andrew Davis: Pretty good gift, eh? Take it easy, though, a little goes a long way.
Hyde: You know what else goes a long way, man? A lot!
Donna: You know what else goes a long way? Spiders. That little guy made it all the way from the light bulb to the pipe. Way to go, Mr. Spider!
Fez: Don't even think about it, Andrew. Spiders here have very little meat.
Andrew Davis: Regardless, it's still so exciting to be in America. It's true what they say. The streets are paved!
Hyde: I'm starting to feel weird, guys. My hair is tingly, my palms are sweating and my pulse is racing. Oh, man, I think I overdid it!
[Hyde imagines the other people in the circle have turned into him]
Andrew Davis: Stop jibber jabbering, old boy. I told you the stuff was pretty strong. Just take a deep breath and relax.
Fez: Yes, I'm sure you'll be okay after a few minutes. Until then, just continue to sweat and grind your teeth.
Donna: Or you can do what you usually do when you've had too much, switch to beer. Whoa, Hyde, are you okay?
Hyde: Of course I'm okay. It's you that's not okay. But you're me. So if you're not okay it means I'm not okay, which means... I'm going out of my freaking mind here!
Donna: You're going to be fine. Do you guys think I should change my hair?

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