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Quote from Kelso in Misfire

Kelso: Man. It's like everyone is so happy lately. Except for me. I mean, the Forman's have their anniversary party, Hyde is married to a half-naked girl. What do I got? Nothing! Except for this little plastic dinosaur.
Randy: You know, when I'm down, I try to think about the happiest times of my life. Like when Hyde's wife came out here in that genie outfit.
Kelso: The happiest time of my life was when I was with Jackie.
Hyde: What are you talking about? She was always yelling at you, hitting you, telling you what a moron you re.
You might as well have been dating me.
Kelso: Oh, man, I was really in love with her. And then I blew it. And then she blew it. And then I blew it again. I don't know who blew it last, but I'm definitely winning!
Randy: It sounds like you guys had a real on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again relationship.
Kelso: Wait, that's it! That's why I'm not happy! Because the girl I should be with is right in front of me and I'm not with her! I should be with Jackie! No, I should marry Jackie!
Fez: [squeals] What? I love weddings.

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