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Wedding Day Sale

‘Wedding Day Sale’

Season 1, Episode 8 - Aired February 1, 2016

Amy tries to warn Cheyenne and Bo about the expensive nature of raising a child. Meanwhile, Garrett and Jonah help Cheyenne shop for her wedding, and Glenn and Mateo add a gay marriage display to the store's wedding sale.

Quote from Dina

Dina: If you're hungry, that can of beans is up for grabs, but not this one.
Amy: I'm good. Do you mind if I turn on the... where's your radio?
Dina: Oh, I special ordered my truck without one. Yeah, it costs a little extra, but it makes the vehicle less appealing to thieves 'cause no one wants a truck without a radio. Name a song, though. I'll sing it for you.
Amy: That's okay.
Dina: No, no, go ahead. I got a photographic memory for music.
Amy: Okay, um... "Single Ladies."
Dina: Not familiar with that one.
Amy: "Uptown Funk."
Dina: Don't know it.
Amy: "Dancing Queen."
Dina: Nope.
Amy: "Thriller?" Michael Jackson?
Dina: You can't name a song by some guy you went to middle school with. It has to be popular. [sings] Oh Danny boy The pipes the pipes are calling


Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Does this make sense to anyone else? White dress, $30. White wedding dress, $200. Is there cocaine in this or something?

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: Wow. That sounds like an expensive celebration you're planning.
Cheyenne: It's about 500 people. I wanted to invite more, but I couldn't afford any more stamps.

Quote from Garrett

Amy: Take care of her.
Cheyenne: [whimpers]
Jonah: Uh, hey, hey. Now, now. Now, now. There, little lady. You're gonna... you're gonna do just fine, kiddo.
Cheyenne: [crying]
Garrett: Girl. [Cheyenne stops sobbing] I learned that from Wendy Williams.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: I feel terrible about how I handled things earlier with your friends.
Mateo: Friends? Oh, they're not... no. They're not my friends, dude.
Glenn: Oh, I'm sorry. Gay BFFs? I don't know the lingo. Look, I just want everyone who comes into this store to feel accepted. But do you know that in this entire sale, there is not one section dedicated to gay weddings?
Mateo: Gay people use the same decorations as straight people. We just use 'em better.
Glenn: That's my point exactly. I mean, they should not have to conform to someone's... [reads] Hel... hetero normal ideal of what a wedding should be. Would you be willing to help me put something together?
Mateo: Of course.
Glenn: Great. We're gonna take those guy's minds and blow them.

Quote from Dina

Dina: You know, on second thought, I don't think that is one of our carts. So what are we thinking for lunch? Sandwiches? Burritos? Indian? Tapas?
Amy: What is up with you? Do you even want to find Bo?
Dina: Yes, of course I do. Just... maybe not right away. I'm really not anxious to get back to the wedding day sale, okay? Just seeing all those women celebrating having found someone, and I'm not getting any younger. Kind of a bummer.
Amy: Well, it can be hard to date.
Dina: If you'd seen some of the guys I dated. [whistles] Gay. Racist. Mean. Redhead. That was all one guy.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Yeah, yeah, no. That would be... really, it'd be perfect for a traditional wedding cake. But we were talking more of, like, a dessert pot luck kind of a thing.
Garrett: For a wedding? That seems a little adventurous.
Cheyenne: Jonah says a lot of weddings are doing more DIY elements.
Jonah: We're just looking for something a little more specifically curated to Cheyenne and Bo's...
Garrett: Ugh, that word.
Jonah: You said I could say "curated" once a week. I chose now as my time.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Ma'am, I have the arm strength of a chimp, but there is just too much real estate back here. I'd have to dislocate your shoulder.
Woman: Do it.
Dina: Okay. But you'll have to teach one of your bridesmaids to do this on the day.

Quote from Garrett

Amy: And they actually have money saved up, but instead of using it to pay for the baby, they're gonna blow it all on some big party.
Garrett: What? Two 17-year-olds are making a bad decision?
Jonah: What?
Garrett: I thought that only happened in the movies.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: I'm just saying that I wish somebody had warned me not to spend so much money on a wedding.
Jonah: I'm telling you. People do not like to be told how to spend their money.
Amy: Really? So does that mean you'll stop telling me to call your "Dad's friend?"
Jonah: That's about making you money, and if you saw the charts that he showed me...
Amy: Oh, yeah. The charts.

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