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Wedding Day Sale

‘Wedding Day Sale’

Season 1, Episode 8 - Aired February 1, 2016

Amy tries to warn Cheyenne and Bo about the expensive nature of raising a child. Meanwhile, Garrett and Jonah help Cheyenne shop for her wedding, and Glenn and Mateo add a gay marriage display to the store's wedding sale.

Quote from Garrett

Cheyenne: Honestly, as long as Bo is there, I don't even...
Jonah: Yeah, no, no, no. Totally, totally, totally. I'm just saying, I don't think a wedding needs to be stuck in stodgy, old traditions.
Garrett: Right, better to have the wedding in a treehouse, drinking artisanal cocktails out of a tuba.
Jonah: A DIY element does add a certain personal touch to it.
Garrett: It's a trend, like dancing down the aisle.
Jonah: You know, it's like, "I'm eating flan." "I'm eating a baklava."
Garrett: Why couldn't we just have a nice, classy cake like civilized human beings?
Jonah: Give my taste buds a passport because they're going around the world.


Quote from Dina

Dina: Let's go over some basics. You're gonna take your mag. The flat part is actually gonna go towards the back of the gun.
Amy: [fires gun] My favorite uncle was a cop. He got me a .22 for my Quinceanera.
Dina: Here, I thought you were just the second-hottest girl at work. Hey, you should come with me to celebrity night sometime. They put pictures on the targets. I don't want to brag, but last week, Kristen Stewart was my bitch.
Amy: [sees Bo] Oh, my god.
Dina: Yeah, it's really satisfying. I think tomorrow they're doing the whole cast of Scandal.

Quote from Dina

Dina: What's this? "Bo Derek Thompson. Suma Cum Laude, Harvard medical school. Chief of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins."
Bo: Yo, some of that's left over from the computer template or whatever.
Amy: Wait, this is what you were doing all day? You were handing out resumes? And your name is Bo Derek?
Bo: Yeah, it's like you said. Parenting's expensive. Got to make some paper for that baby coming, be a man.
Dina: "Managing editor of vogue, 1972-1981."
Amy: I'm impressed, actually.
Dina: Oh no, Amy. This is all lies.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: What's your dream wedding? A beige Toyota Camry driven by a white guy named Matthew?
Garrett: What is that supposed to mean?
Jonah: You know! What do you say? You want to look like my Aunt Linda?
Garrett: You cannot get married in a green bean.

Quote from Dina

Bo: Whoa. You look like a princess.
Cheyenne: You like it? It's from the Farrah Abraham collection.
Amy: Who's Farrah Abraham?
Dina: Teen mom, porn star. You'd recognize her.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, by the way, what we were talking about earlier, if you tell anyone, I will staple your...
Amy: It'll stay between friends.
Dina: Thanks. [chuckles] Ear to the wall. You interrupted, but that's what I'll staple. Just know that. [whispers] Hey. [points to Jonah] [starts gyrating behind him] [laughs] Hey, Jonah. [laughs] God, you are so funny. Oh, shoot.

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