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Quote from Ben in Donna and Joe

Eugene: Ben Wyatt. Any comment on the report that you're running for Congress?
Ben: I'm sorry, I can't talk about this right now.
Eugene: Your only experience in politics was as a failed mayor at age 18--
Ben: Okay, please, everyone, we're at a wedding. And I'm holding zebras.
Eugene: I mean, what qualifies you to take over Hartwell's seat?
Ben: Guys, listen to me, please. I'm dealing with an actual problem right now. Okay? Which, by the way, is what I do for a living. I solve problems as a budget specialist, and for five years as a City Manager, and I'm pretty good at it. I have worked hard to transform this area into a fiscally sound destination for people who want good jobs, and a good public education, and I think the results speak for themselves. [cameras clicking] My name is Ben Wyatt, and I'm running for Congress.
Leslie Knope: Oh, my God, babe, that was so hot.

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