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Quote from Leslie Knope in Indianapolis

Leslie Knope: One time, when I was in high school, a guy's mom called me and broke up with me for him. There was another time where I was on a date and I tripped and broke my kneecap. And then the guy said he wasn't "feeling it," so he left and I waited for an ambulance. One time I was dating this guy for a while, and then he got down on one knee and he begged me to never call him again. One guy broke up with me while we were in the shower together. Skywriting isn't always positive. Another time, a guy invited me to a beautiful picnic with wine and flowers, and then, when I tried to sit down, he said, "Don't eat anything. Rebecca's coming." And then he broke up with me. [both laugh]
Ann: Who was Rebecca?
Leslie Knope: Yeah. Exactly.

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