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See Ya

‘See Ya’

Season 1, Episode 24 - Aired May 8, 2012

Jess, Schmidt and Winston get ready to say goodbye as Nick moves in with Caroline. Meanwhile, Schmidt has doubts about his relationship with Cece.

Quote from Winston

Winston: There's not much sunlight left.
Nick: What are you afraid of, the dark?
Winston: No, I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm worried about Schmidt. He's a Jew in the desert. I don't want him to wander.


Quote from Jess

Jess: Meep-meep!
Nick: Jess, honestly, don't do the Road Runner to a coyote!
Jess: That's how you deal with coyotes.
Nick: Coyotes hate roadrunners!
Jess: That's how you deal with them.
Nick: Coyotes want to kill roadrunners!
Jess: Meep-meep!

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: That's why I'm gonna have to White Fang her.
Jess: Schmidt, come on! Look, I try not to judge what you guys do, but please don't tell me things like that.
Schmidt: No, no, Jess, Jess. The book, White Fang.
Jess: Oh.
Schmidt: This guy befriends a wild creature. But he must, he must set the animal free because that's what's best for it.
Jess: I know the plot of White Fang.
Schmidt: But the animal won't go. So with a breaking heart, he throws stones at it until it runs away.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Whoa, whoa! Why you taking back your lamp?
Nick: I think you just answered that when you called it my lamp.
Winston: No, man. Squatters' rights.
Nick: What's wrong? You still afraid of the dark?
Winston: What? No. Dude.
Nick: 'Cause, if you are, I'll leave this behind.
Winston: Nick, first of all, I'm not afraid of the dark. But if I were afraid of the dark, that would be a totally rational, adaptive evolutionary response.
Nick: Good night, Winston.
Winston: That's ridiculous. I'm not afraid of the dark.
Nick: Good night, sweetheart. [ghoulish] Unless the monsters get you. [closes door; opens door again to scream]

Quote from Winston

Winston: Hey, Jess! What took you so long? Let me tell you something ... you never want to lose a race against the night.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: When Nick leaves, I'm going to call a plumber and just throw cash at him while he works. Fitties and hunnits, hunnits, hunnits.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: But look, on the bright side, it is impossible for me to get aroused in this thing. Here, watch ... say something hot to me.
Cece: Fresh-pressed linens.
Schmidt: Nope, nothing. Not an inch. Like a swaddled baby.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: What the hell war is this?
Photographer All right, turn around and face him.
Schmidt: Am-am I... Am I supposed to want to buy a missile? I don't understand. Just pounding the drum of war. What-what, did no one listen to Eisenhower?

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: We need to talk.
Cece: All right. This is not another one of those "merlot is the whore of the vineyard" talks, is it?
Schmidt: This isn't working out.
Cece: Are you kidding... right now? Are you trying to end this with me? [Schmidt kisses Cece and walks away]
Schmidt: Now go on! You heard me! Go on! Go on, scram! Go! I hate you! Go! [screams] Go back to your kind!
Cece: Are you White Fanging me?
Schmidt: Sorry, what?
Cece: White Fang, Schmidt. The only book on your Kindle. The one that you wouldn't stop talking about. Remember, I said, "Please, stop talking about White Fang." And you said, "Someday, I'm gonna do this to somebody." That White Fang.

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: You-you want Cece to go away?
Schmidt: No. I want her to be happy. 'Cause when-when you care about somebody, you do what's-what's best for them. Even if it sucks for you. Even if they're just a "woof."
Jess: A wolf?
Schmidt: A "woof."
Jess: A wolf.
Schmidt: Yeah, that's what I said, a "woof."
Jess: A wolf.
Schmidt: A "woof."

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