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See Ya

‘See Ya’

Season 1, Episode 24 - Aired May 8, 2012

Jess, Schmidt and Winston get ready to say goodbye as Nick moves in with Caroline. Meanwhile, Schmidt has doubts about his relationship with Cece.

Quote from Winston

Winston: No! Come on! People, just please listen to me. Stop throwing your damn keys! The werewolves come out at night, man. I don't want nobody to eat me! I got big thighs. I got a fat ass.
Nick: Relax.
Winston: We are in the middle of the desert, and nobody is going to find our bodies!
Nick: Come here.
Winston: What?
Nick: You're having a nervous breakdown. You're having a nervous breakdown.


Quote from Jess

Nick: Okay, great. Um, as you guys know, I'm moving in with Caroline, and I'm glad we can talk about this like adults.
Schmidt: Caroline is, uh, quite the baker. [throws cookie]
Nick: Anything else, anyone?
Jess: You're making a huge, life-ruining mistake by moving in with a woman who turned you into an agoraphobic, turtle-faced, borderline alcoholic.

Quote from Winston

Nick: I'm going to start over, 'cause this did not go the way I had planned. As you guys know, I'm leaving, so there are some things we need to work out.
Winston: Yeah, like, what am I going to do with all that extra money I have now that I don't have to cover for you any more?
Nick: Okay.
Winston: Maybe I'll buy a city.
Schmidt: Oh, and you can open a mall and call it Winston's Corners.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Winston, can you take me to the doctor tomorrow? He's taking the bandages off.
Winston: Wow.
Schmidt: The old Washington Monument. Ready to serve this great nation once again.
Winston: Can you stop?
Schmidt: What? It's time to make this horse into a unicorn.

Quote from Nick

Nick: All right, so that's everything. I took my fair share of rubber bands, so I don't want to hear about it. In my room, you will find a shoe box. In that box, there is a guinea pig that I said I would bury, so please deal with it.
Schmidt: There's a corpse in your room?
Nick: All right, guys, well, thanks for helping me move. What are we standing in a circle for, like a bunch of weirdos? Let's go.

Quote from Nick

Nick: [on tape] This next song goes out to a very special girl, Gwen Bressler. I know you like breakfast, but how do you feel about... "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
Nick: "Breakfast at Tiffany's."
Cece: Oh, that is a terrible song.
Nick: This is a great song. You guys are crazy. Listen to the lyrics. Oh, man. I feel it in my body. Are you kidding me? This is in my bones. [sings] I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
Schmidt: No!
Nick: Something, something Da da-da da-ta
Nick: [on tape] Gwen, you don't even know my name, do you? "How Bizarre."
Nick: Oh, yes, this is where Nick got cool again.

Quote from Schmidt

Cece: Why are you trying to push me away?
Schmidt: I saw your phone, Cece. I saw the text message from Gino. Your colleague.
Cece: You went through my phone?
Schmidt: What? No. Winston... Winston went through your phone.
Cece: That is not okay. This is about trust, Schmidt, okay? It's about trust. And I told you how this was gonna be, and I asked you to get okay with it.
Schmidt: How am I supposed to trust you, Cece? You slept with me. I mean, that doesn't say much about your taste in men. And I have more than one book on my Kindle. And a subscription to Cricket. And a lot of PDFs!

Quote from Jess

Jess: Look how pronounced Nick's couch hole got. All this time I thought he was just sitting here drinking beer and complaining, he was making something.

Quote from Jess

Winston: Look, while you're at it, can you please call an exterminator so we can get rid of that crime against nature?
Jess: Yeah, he's not fooling anyone. You think, just 'cause he's a snappy dresser, the mice don't see the hammer? Mice come from all over the building to laugh at that dummy witch.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Is this a freaking carob chip? What, are you trying to buy our love with hippie chocolate? [throws cookie] You idiot.

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