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Quote from Winston in House Hunt

Winston: [answers video call] Hella?
Aly: Are you buying a boat?
Winston: [sighs] Look, it is a complicated situation. First off, I think your sister is amazing. Secondly, I know that we just went long-distance and I don't want to give you any bad news, but... your sister ain't that good at her job. Like, at all. She's... uh, dumb. That girl is the trunk of a tree. Ain't nobody at home up here.
Aly: Okay, you...
Winston: She a cottonhead!
Aly: Easy...
Winston: This girl is a dumped-out sewing kit.
Aly: Easy.
Winston: She talkin', but ain't nobody listenin'.
Aly: Easy. That's my sister. And I know she's an idiot.

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