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Traffic Ticket

‘Traffic Ticket’

Season 2, Episode 16 - Aired February 18, 2001

After Lois is pulled over for a traffic violation by a police officer she made pay full price for his goods, Lois insists she wasn't at fault and intends to fight the charge. Meanwhile, Francis is forced to earn money to pay off the parking tickets he'd accumulated in his mother's car.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: Wait! Stop! There's our van. She did it. She's guilty. Mom's... wrong.


Quote from Reese

Reese: Oh, my God. Mom's wrong. My whole worldview is shaken.
Malcolm: I know. This is amazing. [Reese chuckles] We have to go show it to her.
Reese: Wait, maybe we should save it for the next time Mom yells at us, then spring it on her.
Malcolm: No, I think it's better fresh.
Reese: Okay, let's go.
Malcolm: Wait, we need to keep a straight face.
Reese: Okay, okay. I'm ready. [laughs] No, I'm not.
Malcolm: Stop smiling. Come on...

Quote from Lois

Hal: Honey, I'm sorry you had to see that, but it's best you found out now before it's too late.
Lois: It's wrong.
Hal: What?
Lois: The tape is wrong. [walks off]
Malcolm: Dad...
Hal: You heard your mother. The tape... is... [sighs] Oh, man!

Quote from Hal

Hal: You see, it's not so bad. Hmm? You'll go to traffic school and meet some nice people, maybe hear a couple good car jokes.

Quote from Malcolm

Lois: How many times have I told you people don't leave the refrigerator open!
Dewey: You did it.
Lois: Maybe I did.
Malcolm: [to camera] She's been like this all week. It's like her spirit's been broken. It's nice.

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