Reese Quote #121

Quote from Reese in Tutoring Reese

Malcolm: Look, I don't like this any better than you do. Let's just get it over with. Dude, this book's totally wrecked. What did you do to it?
Reese: I threw it at a duck.
Malcolm: Well, where's your math book?
Reese: Which half?
Malcolm: We'll just start with geography, then.
Reese: I don't take geography!
Malcolm: Yes, you do. You got a grade in it.
Reese: Oh, that can't be good.


 ‘Tutoring Reese’ Quotes

Quote from Lois

Lois: [to Malcolm] You took that test, didn't you? You cheated... [to Reese] You let him cheat for you? [to Mr. Woodward] You gave something he wrote an "F"?! [thunder cracks] You are out to get him! Oh, I can't wait to see you expelled or disbarred or whatever it is they do to creepy little men who abuse their power.
Mr. Woodward: There is no need for name-calling. I suggest we just leave things as they are...
Lois: Oh, I don't think so.
Mr. Woodward: Here's the situation: if you notify the school, then the school will find out Malcolm cheated. He'll be expelled.
Lois: Don't you threaten me.
Mr. Woodward: This isn't a threat. I just don't think you'd throw away the son who achieves for... well, Reese.
Lois: You don't think I'd sacrifice this one? [Mr. Woodward shakes his head] Let me explain something to you. I would sell Malcolm down the river in a heartbeat to save Reese.
Malcolm: What?
Lois: Malcolm's gonna be fine no matter what happens. Maybe he'll have to go to junior college or start off blue collar, but he'll work his way up to management eventually. Reese is the one who needs saving.
Mr. Woodward: I don't believe you. No mother could ever be that callous to her own son.
Francis: [yells through the window] Mom, please let me come home! I'm cold and I'm hungry! Please, I'll fix the roof! I'll paint the house, I'll do anything, Mom! Please, just let me live indoors, Mom! Please, I want to be warm again! Mom, please!
Mr. Woodward: Maybe we can work something out. [Francis wails]

Quote from Francis

Francis: Finally, Mom found the courage to speak her mind.
Lois: Why aren't you fixing that roof?
Francis: It's 40 degrees out there. I'll freeze. And it's going to rain.
Lois: That's why you have to fix the roof.
Francis: Well, maybe if you didn't buy such crappy shingles, it wouldn't leak all the time.
Lois: Francis, as long as you are in this house, you will do as I say.
Francis: You know what, Mom? No. I'm too old to be bullied by you. Our whole lives, you have done nothing but dictate what you wanted. You're the boss of the world, and we're all sick of it. This may be your roof, but we live here, too. We are human beings with rights...
[cut to Francis outside delivering his speech:]
Francis: ...and I'm hereby putting an end to your reign of terror. [to a homeless man on a park bench] You should have seen the look on her face. It was totally worth it.

Quote from Lloyd

Malcolm: Come on, Reese, the test is in two hours!
Reese: This is too much, Malcolm. I'll never pass this thing. There's 30 true-false questions and five essays. It's impossible.
Dabney: So, Reese, today's the big test?
Lloyd: What do you have to get on this thing to say out of remedial class?
Reese: A "B." [Krelboynes laugh]
Malcolm: No, guys, he's serious.
Stevie: But you're... an idiot.
Reese: You're right.
Lloyd: Yeah. The only way this idiot's going to pass the test is if somebody else takes it for the idiot. Right, idiot? [Reese grabs Lloyd by his sweater] Stevie set the precedent! You had a chance for rebuttal, but since you didn't answer you waived your right! Therefore, it's an agreed-upon term!