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Quote from Francis in Tutoring Reese

Francis: Finally, Mom found the courage to speak her mind.
Lois: Why aren't you fixing that roof?
Francis: It's 40 degrees out there. I'll freeze. And it's going to rain.
Lois: That's why you have to fix the roof.
Francis: Well, maybe if you didn't buy such crappy shingles, it wouldn't leak all the time.
Lois: Francis, as long as you are in this house, you will do as I say.
Francis: You know what, Mom? No. I'm too old to be bullied by you. Our whole lives, you have done nothing but dictate what you wanted. You're the boss of the world, and we're all sick of it. This may be your roof, but we live here, too. We are human beings with rights...
[cut to Francis outside delivering his speech:]
Francis: ...and I'm hereby putting an end to your reign of terror. [to a homeless man on a park bench] You should have seen the look on her face. It was totally worth it.

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